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Development of one-page websites - Landing pages


Landing page is perfect for selling one product or one service. Consists of 1 page. It can be quickly launched and demand tested using contextual advertising in Google Ads.
от 139 €  
We will launch your project quickly and comfortably for you.
Calmly go about your business, and we will take care of your website.
Development of corporate websites

Ready-made solution from the catalog

Business website – when you need a commercial or informational website. An ideal tool for hosting a wide range of services. Optimal for promotion in Google and other search engines. You can create up to 450 pages.
от 149 €  
You can choose what you like - there are more than 250 ready-made sites in our catalog, 
they already have a well-thought-out structure and design. 
All website options are ready for use and adapted for mobile devices. 
All you need to do is choose an option and send us the materials to fill it out. 
The time to launch a website from the catalog is 3-5 days.

Websites with unique design

Ready-made website with a unique design. Such projects are sold individually only and are removed from sale after purchase.
от 219 €  
If you need a unique and stylish website quickly, choose any option from the catalog, 
and only you will have such a website! After purchase we will remove it from our catalog. 
We will launch such a website in 5-7 days

Websites with design according to your wishes

Development of a website with a design according to your wishes. When you need something special.
от 700 €  
This is your option if you need custom design development. 
We will be able to realize all your wishes, unique and unconventional. 
We have an effective step-by-step method for developing custom website design, 
which has been proven over years of work. The launch time for such a site is 14-28 days.
Development of online stores

Optimal online store

A fully functional store with a product catalog (up to 5,000 items), a shopping cart, customizable discounts, 60 payment and delivery systems.
от 179 €  
We have already created more than 250 selling websites for online stores, which already have a cool design and all the necessary functionality. All options are ready to use and adapted to mobile devices.

With additional options

A package of store extensions to accommodate a large assortment of products. Supports up to 5,000 products (and higher), provides smart catalog search, integrations, a built-in bonus system and tools for increasing sales, a multi-link for social networks and 15 more additions.
от 399 €  
Has your business already crossed the growth point? Then a universal solution for a website will suit you, which has all the functions you need for large-scale work. Your website will have full functionality for payment and delivery, customer feedback, integrations and other necessary services.
Content and marketing

Website completion on a turnkey basis

We will conduct marketing research, analyze your competitors, write and post selling texts, SEO optimization, and fill the site with goods. We will fully package the site and prepare it for visitors.
от 990 €  
A solution for those who want to minimize their participation in the website development process.
For all
plans included
Unlimited traffic, except for file archive sites (graphics, music, software)
Protection against viruses, spam filters
Support 7 days in Week

Website maintenance (hosting) and additional services

Landing page
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
99 €/ year
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
119 €/ year
Online store "Mini"
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
139 €/ year
Online store "Optimal"
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
169 €/ год
Online store "Maximum"
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
359 €/ year
After the free period (4 months), including site hosting, technical support, provision of a site management system, backup and recovery.
169 €/ год
Additional services
The cost of maintaining the site may be affected by additional services, such as additional disk space, pages, categories, products, etc.


Цены на услуги продвижения

Разработка контекстной рекламы Google Ads
от 190 €
Сертифицированные специалисты проведут многоуровневый анализ конкурентов и грамотно настроят рекламную кампанию. Гарантируем повышение конверсии в 2-3 раза! Подробнее
Сопровождение контекстной рекламы Google Ads
от 290 €
Вы сможете регулярно узнавать о статусе и результатах рекламной кампании. Мы будем предоставлять вам полные отчёты о каждом действии, направленном на повышение эффективности рекламы.. Подробнее
Поисковая оптимизация сайта
Мы оптимизируем ваш сайт под ключевые запросы в поисковых системах и приведём его в соответствие с алгоритмами. Ваш сайт будет адаптирован под запросы пользователей, улучшен для продвижения и максимально развит. Минимальный заказ — 5 страниц. Подробнее
Комплексное продвижение сайта
от 590 €
Вы сможете получить целевой трафик покупателей и стабильный поток заявок из поисковых систем уже через несколько недель! Мы действуем по индивидуальному плану работ, который разрабатываем для каждого сайта индивидуально. Подробнее

Цены на дополнительные услуги

Разработка логотипа
от 90 €
Вы можете выбрать любой логотип из каталога, а мы доработаем его под вашу компанию — название, фирменные цвета).
Разработка продающего баннера
от 150 €
Яркий и привлекательный баннер — удачный ход: посетители задержатся, рассмотрят ваше предложение и сделают заказ. А здесь можно посмотреть примеры продающих баннеров.
Квиз (интерактивная пошаговая форма)
от 150 €
Такие интерактивные формы увеличивают количество заявок с сайта в несколько раз — проверено! Квизы привлекают внимание посетителей и мотивируют оставить заявку даже тех, кто собрался покинуть сайт.Примеры реально рабочих квизов — здесь.
Модуль «Калькулятор»
от 150 €
Калькулятор — удобный для посетителя инструмент, ведь он может быстро получить расчёт, который ему нужен. А ещё этот модуль реально повышает конверсию сайта — увеличивает время, проведённое посетителем на сайте, и глубину просмотра. А здесь можно посмотреть варианты калькуляторов для сайтов.
Наполнение интернет-магазина товарами
от 150 €
Мы подготовим товары для импорта в ваш интернет магазин в форме файла XLS, XLSX, CSV. Товары будет размещены на витрине сайта и соответствующих товарных категориях, чтобы покупатели могли легко их найти и заказать.
Копирайт с визуальным оформлением ​​​​​​​
100 € /стр.
У вас будут готовые тексты, созданные под ключевые поисковые запросы, плюс верстка и иллюстрации — страница, полностью готовая к работе на сайте! В рамках услуги мы пишем текст, верстаем его и добавляем иллюстрации, а ещё формируем метатеги и заголовки — страница будет воспринята на ура и посетителями, и поисковыми системами.
Минимальный заказ — 3 страницы.

How is the cost of a website determined?

It is important to understand that at Megagroup.ee the price for creating a website, 
indicated in the price list, includes design, layout, hosting, CMS 
(content management system) and technical support. 
Thus, we offer package solutions for developing 
web resources for running an online business.

What does the price depend on?

Tariffs for websites are formed depending on the functions that the web resource must 
perform. If you need an online presence with brief information about the company 
and contacts, a “Business Card” is sufficient. 
Do you want to post a catalog of goods and services 
offered on the Internet with their description and cost? 
In this case, the “Ready product catalogs” option is perfect. 

Are your plans for direct online trading? 
Then you will need a full-fledged online store. 
As you can see, the more requirements for a site, the more expensive it is.
Also, the price of website development is affected by its graphic design: ready-made 
designs from our Catalog are much more attractive in cost (each design is sold once!). 

Moreover, by choosing a ready-made design, you not only get a discount, but also save 
yourself from the need for a long time to coordinate changes to the layout.
OÜ MegagroupEU
Bank details:
IBAN: BE10 9675 0400 6104
Legal address:
Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Veskiposti tn 2-1002, 10138 
Registration certificate
To pay, you can use one of the electronic payment systems
We provide various services to make your website work efficiently. Check out the list of additional services and choose the one that suits you
Additional services